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BMW 520d with blocked DPF Filter and 480A and 481A fault codes

Few days ago we have received the call from the customer who was experiencing issues with his DPF filter and had couple of DPF faults (480A and 481A which indicate major DPF blockage) together with glow plugs and the turbo pressure fault. There was also a throttle valve actuator fault but this has been repaired by someone before and the fault did not come back after erasing it.

On the initial inspection we have checked the turbo and it seemed ok as there was no signs of the damage or any kind of hose leaks. We then checked the backpressure reading of the DPF and it was extremely high (130 mbar on idle while it should be below 10 mbar). This would surely affect the charging pressure of the turbocharger and could even result in the damage to the turbo if driven like this for too long.

We have established that it was actually faulty glow plugs that stopped the self regeneration of the DPF and advised the customer to get the glow plugs changed after the DPF clean to avoid the same problem happening in the future.

We then cleaned the filter out for the customer using our 3 stage cleaning system and test drove the car with the customer to make sure that everything is back to normal. Customer was extremely impressed with the difference it has made and the back pressure on idle went down to 3 mbar which is a perfect result.

We have provided the customer with the warranty on the DPF under one condition that he will get the glow plugs changed.

At Pro Engine Clean we make sure to provide the best quality of service for all of our customers. For more information please feel free to contact us at or give us a call on 07312937700.



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